
英语文化 2020-09-07 18:04:35 英语文化
[摘要](上图即为《新闻周刊》的合成照片)She was 36 when she died, but the spirit and grace of Princess Diana has lived on t文化娱乐英语文化



She was 36 when she died, but the spirit and grace of Princess Diana has lived on through the years.戴安娜王妃在36岁时香消玉殒,但她的精神和优雅长存人间。

In commemoration of her 50th birthday Friday, Newsweek, too, has done its part to keep her memory alive – just in an unconventional manner. 为纪念戴妃周五的50岁冥辰,《新闻周刊》破例以特殊方式表达追忆之情。

On its latest cover, a computer-generated image of the late princess is superimposed into a photograph of an upbeat and on-the-town Duchess Catherine. The cover and corresponding story, penned by editor-in-chief and Diana biographer Tina Brown, imagines what her life would be like today if tragedy had not struck on Aug. 31, 1997. 在该周刊最新一期封面上,已故王妃的合成照片与笑容满面充满活力的凯瑟琳公爵夫人被放在一起。该封面故事由主编及戴安娜传记作者Tina Brown撰写,该故事是假设戴妃未遭遇车祸身亡,她现在生活状况的想象。

"Diana would have been 50 this month," Brown writes. "What would she have been like? Still great-looking: that"s a given." “戴安娜这个月就50岁了。”Brwon 写到,“她应该是什么模样呢?看起来仍然很不错——那是一定的。”

In the story, Brown predicts Diana would have moved to New York, kept her youth through Botox shots and told her story to 10 million followers on Twitter.在故事中,Brown预测戴安娜会搬到纽约,通过肉毒素保持年轻,并通过推特向她的千万追随者讲述自己的故事。

And Brown isn"t the only one asking, "What If?" The plot of Untold Story: A Novel, which arrived in bookstores Tuesday, recreates the tragedy with a twist: In the book, she fakes her own death.Brown 并不是唯一由此想象的人,这周二上架的新书《Untold Story: A Novel》里的情节就是对这场车祸的再次编造,在书里,戴安娜王妃并未离开,她通过车祸隐藏自己还活着的事实。

相关热点: 2014年英语四级听力原文


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