沪江部落|【沪江部落日志】拉斯维加斯 汇聚全球奢华(组图)

英语文化 2020-09-07 18:04:35 英语文化
[摘要]McCarran International AirportLas Vegas”源自西班牙语,意思为“肥沃的青草地”,内华达州发现金银矿后,大量淘金者涌入,拉斯维加斯开始繁荣。1931年在美国大萧条文化娱乐英语文化


McCarran International Airport

"Las Vegas”源自西班牙语,意思为“肥沃的青草地”,内华达州发现金银矿后,大量淘金者涌入,拉斯维加斯开始繁荣。1931年在美国大萧条时期,为了度过经济难关,内华达州议会通过了赌博合法的议案,拉斯维加斯成为一个赌城,从此迅速崛起。以赌博业为中心的庞大的旅游、购物、度假产业而著名,已成为是世界知名的度假圣地之一。让我们跟随小异的脚步以“一日游”的方式玩转拉斯维加斯吧!喜欢旅游的童鞋赶紧关注沪江部落红人小异(戳我加关注)哈!拉斯维加斯——夜晚篇,稍后也会以日志的方式发布出来~

[1] 麦卡伦国际机场旁边的这个标志算作一个landmark: Welcome to fabulous Las Vegas.
透过标牌看到的金碧辉煌的建筑和大片棕榈,也算是LV的标志风物了。(说到麦卡伦机场,也是美国最繁忙的国际机场之一:每天超过850次航班, 每个月为赌城带来250万的访客)

McCarran International Airport is the principal commercial airport serving Las Vegas and Clark County, Nevada, United States. Maximum capacity for the airport is estimated at 53 million passengers and 625,000 aircraft movements.

Theme Hotel

[2] 很多大型酒店和赌场都有自己的主题。以地域为主题的酒店通常将各地的地标建筑造在了这里。金字塔是永恒之光的象征, 法老王相信它是升天的途径。整个金字塔外观全部都是用玻璃覆盖,面积有13英亩。饭店前的人面狮身像比埃及的还要大,也如法泡制在其左前爪有开口,日落后会从双眼射出雷射光, 再映至喷水池造成的水幕上, 造成各种视觉效果。

The major attractions in Las Vegas are the casinos and the hotels. There are many hotel casinos in the city"s downtown area, which was the focal point of the city"s gaming industry in its early days.

Hard Rock Cafe

[3] 以摇滚为主题的酒店。房间设计师是华人Calvin Tsao,里面有大量摇滚乐队藏品。赌场不大但风格亦是摇滚风味十足:轮盘是崁在钢琴形状的桌上。吃角子老虎的把手是吉他颈部的造型。到处都有喇叭放送摇滚乐,乐迷到此报到,定有意外发现(Cafe不一定指咖啡厅,往往只是说明24小时营业)。

Hard Rock Cafe is a chain of theme restaurants founded in 1971 by Americans Peter Morton & Isaac Tigrett. In 1979, the cafe began covering its walls with rock and roll memorabilia, a tradition which expanded to others in the chain.

Petit Paris.

[4] 将巴黎铁塔缩小一半复制, 还是有50层楼高。另有巴黎歌剧院, 罗浮宫, 塞那河, 而壮丽的亚力山大桥则横跨购物区上空, 将游客领至登上铁塔的电梯. 凯旋门则是真迹的3分之2大小。

The tolerance of Las Vegas for various forms of adult entertainment earned it the title of Sin City, and this image has made Las Vegas a popular setting for films and television programs.


[5] 小巴黎对面是百乐宫,高莫湖的水舞灯秀投资四千万美元,包括容量五十万加仑的水箱, 1175个喷水孔, 6200个灯光设备. 采用的音乐有Rondine Al Nido, Luck Be a Lady,Singing in the Rain,Time to say goodbye等等。入夜后每半小时演出,路边免费参观。

Bellagio called also "the pearl of Lake Como" was already famous in Roman times. Its beautiful and strategically important position has written its history.


[6] Bellagio 百乐宫,前老板Steve Wynn是个传奇人物。而且姓氏在LV显得尤为好,谐音win,中文稳赢,呵呵开玩笑,他自己的官方翻译是“永利”。

Inspired by the Lake Como resort of Bellagio in Italy, Bellagio is famed for its elegance. One of its most notable features is an 8-acre (3.2 ha) lake between the building and the Strip, which houses the Fountains of Bellagio, a large dancing water fountain synchronized to music.

Inside Bellagio


The Bellagio employs approximately 10,000 people. In the fall of 2006, the casino floor was remodeled and new uniforms were issued, changing the original color scheme to a more elegant type.

Las Vegas Boulevard

[8]拉斯维加斯林荫大道(Las Vegas Boulevard,也叫The Strip)是拉斯维加斯的主要街道。这是一条从东北到西南走向的街道。街道两边酒店、商店、购物中心相互毗邻,延延绵绵,占据了街道4公里长的主要路段。我们就住在这里。

Las Vegas Boulevard is a major road in Las Vegas Valley of Nevada, best known for the Las Vegas Strip and its casinos.


[9] Venetian是The Strip上的另一个豪华酒店,从名字就可以看出是仿照威尼斯的设计。原来是沙丘饭店Sands,于1996年11月26日炸毁后在原址起建,由 Sands原来老板Sheldon Adelson投资。以意大利最浪漫的城市威尼斯为主题,也不忘用奢华的古典欧风来打造大厅。

The Venetian Resort Hotel Casino is a luxury hotel and casino resort situated between Harrah"s and The Palazzo on the east side of the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, NV, United States, on the site of the old Sands Hotel.


[10] Venetian内的Canaletto餐厅,由威尼斯来的主厨掌勺。装潢得很威尼斯化,连灯具也是威尼斯名水晶工厂制作的。分成三区:楼上、楼下、及" 户外"。有比较少见的北意大利产的酒供应。据说其实意大利的酒品质非常好,只是法国酒早出道于国际市场,用聪明的广告稳霸市场而已。p.s. 由于是室内,所以那是人造天空,但云彩也会变幻。

The Venetian is (along with the adjacent Sands Expo Convention Center and The Palazzo Hotel and Casino Resort) part of the largest five-diamond hotel and resort complex in the world.

相关热点: 托福ibt


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